Exposing The Greenwashing of 'Bio Lids' in LATAM

Apr 30, 2024By AMS Compostable TEAM
AMS Compostable TEAM

Greenwashing  is the process of conveying a false impression or misleading information about how a company's products are environmentally sound. One area where greenwashing is particularly prevalent is in the packaging industry, with many companies claiming their products are "eco-friendly" or "biodegradable" when they are anything but.

The Green Marketing of 'Bio Lids'

One such example of greenwashing in the packaging industry is the emergence of so-called "bio lids." These lids are marketed as a sustainable alternative to traditional plastic lids, with claims that they are made from plant-based materials and will break down naturally over time. However, the truth behind these bio lids is far from what is advertised.

The Issue with 'Bio Lids'

While bio lids may sound like a step in the right direction, the reality is that they are often made from a combination of plastic and a very small percentage of plant-based materials. This means that they are not fully biodegradable, much less compostable and can still contribute to massive plastic pollution.

bio lids

Additionally, bio lids require specific conditions to be recycled, such as specific recycling facilities. In reality, very few of these facilities exist, much less in Latin America and most bio lids end up in landfills, in our ecosystems, or the ocean, where they can take hundreds of years to decompose.

The Importance of Being Responsible Brands

Plastic pollution is a global crisis that is wreaking havoc on our environment. Every year, millions of tons of plastic waste end up in our oceans, harming marine life and polluting ecosystems. It is crucial that we take action to reduce our plastic consumption and hold companies accountable for their misleading claims.It is not correct for a company to market environmentally friendly products just to sell more. This is not worthy of a reputable business and should be fined.

plastic pollution

How to Spot Greenwashing

With so many companies jumping on the "eco-friendly" bandwagon, it can be challenging to differentiate between genuine sustainable practices and greenwashing. Here are a few tips to help you spot greenwashing:

  1. Look for third-party certifications: Genuine eco-friendly products often carry certifications from reputable organizations, such as the Forest Stewardship Council, the Marine Stewardship Council or the ASTM Standards Organization.
  2. Read the fine print: Don't be fooled by catchy slogans or buzzwords. Take the time to read the product's packaging or website to understand its true environmental impact.
  3. Research the company's track record: Look into the company's history and previous environmental initiatives. If their claims seem too good to be true, they probably are.

Supporting Genuine Sustainability

As consumers, we have the power to demand transparency and hold companies accountable for their greenwashing practices. By supporting brands that are genuinely committed to sustainability and avoiding those that engage in deceptive marketing, we can make a real difference in the fight against plastic pollution.

Let's Do What's Right!

Greenwashing is a serious issue that undermines genuine efforts to protect the environment. The rise of bio lids is just one example of how companies use deceptive marketing tactics to appear more sustainable than they actually are. By staying informed, reading between the lines, and supporting truly sustainable practices, we can expose greenwashing and work towards a cleaner, greener future.