Home Compost vs. Industrial Compost

AMS Compostable TEAM
Feb 09, 2024By AMS Compostable TEAM

Composting is a sustainable practice that helps reduce waste and enrich the soil. There are two main methods of composting: home composting and industrial composting. Each method has its own benefits and considerations, so let's take a closer look at the differences between the two.

Home Composting

Home composting is a simple and convenient way for individuals to manage their organic waste. By composting kitchen scraps, yard trimmings, and other biodegradable materials, homeowners can create nutrient-rich compost to use in their gardens.

One of the key advantages of home composting is that it reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, helping to minimize greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, it can save money on fertilizers and soil amendments.

home compost

Considerations for Home Composting

While home composting is beneficial, it does require some effort and attention to maintain the compost pile or bin. Proper balance of green and brown materials, regular turning or mixing, and monitoring moisture levels are important for successful composting.

Industrial Composting

Industrial composting is a large-scale process that involves the decomposition of organic materials in a controlled environment. This method is commonly used by municipalities and commercial facilities to manage a significant volume of organic waste.

Industrial composting facilities can process a wide range of materials, including food scraps, yard waste, and compostable packaging. The resulting compost is often sold to farmers, landscapers, and gardeners.

industrial compost

Benefits of Industrial Composting

Industrial composting can handle a larger quantity and variety of organic waste than home composting, making it an efficient solution for diverting organic materials from landfills. It also produces high-quality compost on a large scale, contributing to soil health and fertility.

Both home and industrial composting have their own advantages and play a crucial role in reducing organic waste and nourishing the soil. Whether you choose to compost at home or support industrial composting efforts, you are contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

The AMS•Compostable lines of bagasse, Kraft packaging, and compostable bags are certified OK home compost, allowing you to transform your soil into nutrient-rich matter in your own garden. Additionally, our PLA line is certified compostable in industrial composting facilities.

By choosing our products, you are not only supporting the environment but also contributing to the conversion of waste into valuable organic matter. This promotes a sustainable circular economy, benefiting our planet Earth greatly.